Tips for O/Alevels Students

Hey Guys , This is OASAT Tips article, take a drink relax and read it out. I can assure you it is something you will find gamechanger for your O & Alevel Examinations.

  1. Tip No.1 is for Olevels Students, if you look forward to complete Alevels as well, know that Olevel is a "cup of cake" relative to Alevels, all you need to do is to remember some general concepts and nothing more.
  2. Make Bulllet points of important parts on your course books.
  3. No refrence book is better than your course book, stick to your course books and let the refrence book to be a Refrence book only.
  4. feel blessed if some subject have MCQ test too, to harden your grip on concepts all you need to do is to buy a topical MCQ pastpapers and start solving them, (learning all the concepts one by one through trial and error), in the end you will come to know you have completed entire syllabus or topic while you were enjoying the process of learning.
  5. Practice pastpapers only, don't waste your time on useless worksheets and other practice stuff. Pastpapers are the best practice material you can get, they are literally the papers that appears in exams, if you dont know where to get topical and yearly pastpapers for free, "Gceguide" is the website you need to visit.
  6. Spare the month before exam only to practice yearly pastpapers, get to them, practice them like a freak. practice 5-6 pastpapers a day, and you will be sure of your A grade.
  7. Studying O&Alevels isn't about how much time you give to your studies, it's how you manage it.
  8. Remember a quality study time of 45 minutes is worth more than your unheartedly 4 hours of study.
  9. Seek guidance, You have access to biggest library in the history of mankind yes its "Google", google your problem and you will certianly find a solution.
  10. Here I am trying to help you guys for free, message us on "" and we will make a blog post especially for you.(well don't start sending questions, keep it to notes and guidance)
  11. Maths............ hell yeah, you need to do Topical and yearly pastpapers as much as you can, and if you do, here's the gurantee for your "A Grade"
  12. A friend once told me, The hardworker gets old quickly, labours too much, sweats and go through disasters to obtain success, while the smartworker at the same time works swiftly, lives a joyous life and obtain the same success. Its always your decision if you want to be a hardworker or a smartworker.
  13. don't Stress out, if you are stressed belive me I would like to punch you hard, It's nothing when you compare this as a problem to real life problems, think of it as just a game, and you need to win it at all costs, make stretegies use tactics, and remain committed to get your victory.
  14. Know your Goals.O&Alevel combined are total 4 years at max, but the grades you earn remains withyou, your whole life, and you can't get rid of them, you can get them better.
  15. Don't waste your time. its better to study and focus on your goals than playing games (offcourse if you don't plan to become a professinal gamer). same goes for all other hobbies.
  16. I am not suggesting to get rid of all your activites and hobbies, just put them in a orderly manner and your life will start to groom. follow your timetable strictly.
  17. Employ discipline in your life.Without discipline you are just another biological animal not human (the best creation of God).
  18. Get to it, We have seen people starting their prepration for 5 subjects in Olevels a month before exam, and their acehivement of 5 A's in the result, if they can do it ,you can do it too.
  19. Be passionate about your goals and study, if you dont have goals, start looking for them, Now is the best time, you set a direction in your life.
These 19 points conclude my tips and motivation for you O&Alevels students, I can only hope it brings around some positive change in your life, helps you to be a little bit more concentrated on your studies, and yes helps you to acheive better Grades.I will keep posting more tips and guidance post stay tuned. 
